The Joy of "BabyWearing"

Have you ever heard of babywearing? I know, it sounds like some rite of passage for a secret society, but it's really a wonderful nurturing way for new parents to bond with their child and give the little one an emotional and physical head-start on life. Whether you are a first-time parent or you already have children of your own, if you don't already know about the benefits of babywearing then you will want to continue reading this article.

Davinci Emily Crib

What is Babywearing?

Davinci Emily Crib

Babywearing is in its most basic form a means of baby transportation. It is the practice of carrying your child in a sling or a cloth baby carrier. The technique is far from new; in fact it has been practiced for thousands of years around the world. It is the most natural thing to do, and unfortunately modern society has lost the instinct to do this. Fortunately, we are learning it back.

Practicality and ease.

Babywearing offers a practical solution for mothers who need to juggle between taking care of a newborn baby and many of the other activities one has to do in the day. Additionally, nursing mothers who want to breastfeed their child in public can do so discreetly by using a baby sling.

Strengthened emotional bond between parent and child.

Wearing your baby provides a deeper emotional bond between child and parent because it satisfies the baby's natural need for closeness, touch and affection. Furthermore it has been found to help improve the condition of premature babies, who need the extra attention most. After all, they should still be safe inside a warm womb, feeling an intimate connection to their parents, so why not give them what nature had intended?.

Reduction of post-partum depression.

Babywearing helps reduce the risk of post-partum depression because it helps create an emotional connection and provides physical stimulation with the baby. Physically, it also creates lesser strain on your back and spine since the right baby carrier will provide adequate support for both.

Babywearing for child nurturing.

Babywearing makes for calmer babies because all of their basic needs are already being met. The specific health benefits include better respiratory health, muscle tone and inner ear development. Also, since the baby is always staying close to the parent, he or she would be more exposed to the language being used, as well as the facial expressions. Children at a young age absorb new information very quickly; so the more that they are exposed to the real world while they are babies, the quicker they will develop.

Additional health benefits of babywearing.

Aside from providing a more convenient lifestyle with your baby, there are a lot of additional health benefits for children who are carried. There is a dramatic decrease in crying - babies who are carried cry 43% less than those who are left alone on their cribs.

Babywearing is also a factor contributed to better and easier discipline for a child. Babies, who instantly bonded with their parents when they were carried, as infants are much easier to discipline, more secure with themselves, more trusting, sociable, considerate, affectionate and sensitive to others.

One final note about babywearing, you must remain very attentive to the baby's interaction with the environment. You will need a little more space to turn around to avoid bumping the baby into counters and doorways. Also babies are now in prime position to grab things that they may not have been able to reach before, such as a coffee mug. Also babies being worn on the back may be able to reach things that you cannot see, so pay extra attention to your environment.

Happy parenting and happy babywearing.

The Joy of "BabyWearing"
Davinci Emily Crib

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